Мотузковий парк Піратский корабель

Мотузковий парк Піратский корабель

Код товару: 5277

2 478 175 грн Кількість: Придбати
Ширина  20 м
Висота  10 м
Довжина  40 м
Матеріали Брус сосна, канат в оплете, метизи
Покритття Антисептик для дерева
Тип страхування Безперервна страховка
Кількість ліній 3
Кількість этапів 36
Пропускна здатність 342 люд/час
    • Rope park in the form of a pirate ship.
    • Covers all age categories.
    • The total length of rope competitions 380 meters.
    • Throughput capacity – 342 people/hour Minimum number of instructors – 5

    Routes of the rope park:

    1st level UNGI (children’s route). Located at a height of 0.7 meters, ends with a children’s trolley.

    Level 2 – FLYBUSTERS (adult route, obstacle course of medium difficulty). Located 3 meters above the ground, ends with a pirate trolley from the 3rd level.

    Level 3 – PIRATES (adult route, a difficult track for daring extreme lovers). It is located at a height of 6 meters and ends with a 60-meter trolley – a high-speed descent on a cable stretched from top to bottom.

    Each route-level includes 12 stages – various obstacles (rope ladders, swinging logs, rope, “air swings”, etc.).

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