Climbing Gyms

строительство спортивного скалодрома

Rock climbing as a sport

Sport climbing as a form of competitive climbing, emerged in the late 1940s. The rapid development of the sport led to the creation of International Federation of Sport Climbing, IFSC, in 2006, the, which enshrined the international rules of the competition for sports climbing.

Modern sport climbing includes three main subjects:

  • bouldering – a series of short runs of problem
  • climbing
  • climbing on the challenge

Types of sports climbing walls

  • climbing walls for climbing and competition to the reference speed tracks, which are registered world records
  • climbing walls for climbing and the competition for difficulty
  • climbing walls for climbing and bouldering competitions
  • climbing walls for trainings and a sports and health climbing
  • Universal climbing stands (centers) combine elements of relief for different kinds of climbing

купить спортивный скалодром

Features of designing of sport climbing walls.

To meet the requirements of international competitions, each sport climbing wall must be properly designed and constructed taking into account the special regulations. Depending on the rank of the planned competitions the following parameters are strictly regulated:

  • The length of the track
  • The width of the climbing wall
  • Tilt angle
  • Climbing wall panels
  • Climbing hooks
  • Location of hooked on the climbing wall
  • The height of the upper point of the delay mechanism over the climbing wall

Construction norms and Rules of design and testing of sports climbing walls in Ukraine are similar to the requirements of European standard EN 12572: 2008 “Artificial structures for sport climbing (ACS). Safety requirements and test methods”

проектирование спортивного скалодрома

Construction of sports climbing walls

The complexity of technical regulations and compliance with the international standard EN 12572: 2008 in accordance with the requirements of the agreement on association of Ukraine and the EU, suggested the construction of this kind of objects only by professionals with license and experience in the construction of climbing walls according to the international standards.

Our specialists have been trained in Europe and were qualified to carry out:

  • Professional designing of climbing walls
  • Engineering of climbing walls
  • Installation of climbing walls
  • Project management of construction of climbing walls
  • Maintenance and inspection of climbing walls

Trusting the professionals building climbing walls, you are insured against many problems of incompetent newcomers, are assured of quality and do not overpay for the correction of expensive, sometimes annoying bugs.






Order construction of a sports climbing wall with us!

We will find for you the best option according to the type of rank of planned competitions and price.

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