skyTECH Rocket

skyTECH Rocket

Product ID: 2041

2 020 EUR Quantity: Order

The skyTECH Rocket is a DOSH APPROVED zipline trolley representing the most advanced technology available for high speed systems with big impacts. It’s engineered for safety, comfort, durability and FUN! It’s the fastest commercial trolley available – reaching speeds up to 120 km/h (75 m/h)!

For utmost flyer comfort and protection, the skyTECH Rocket must be paired with skyTECH harnesses. Use skyTECH Twin-Harness on forward facing seated flights & skyTECH Prone Harness on horizontal forward facing flights. Either set up has dual point harness attachments preventing flyers from twisting, thus ensuring forward positioning for an immediate yet smooth high speed brake with minimal upswing. Thrills to be had on either design.

The trolleys are fabricated in anodized aluminum and have a life expectancy of approximately 5 years. High speed polyurethane sheaves, with sealed bearings, provide a quiet flight and run without any metal friction – preventing cable replacements after heavy volumes.

Design Features

Extremely Robust 6061 Anodized Aluminum Construction
Life Span of Approx. 5 Years
Anodized, with Stainless Steel hardware for usage in all weather conditions
Impact plates are double riveted to withstand maximum velocity impacts
All numbered, dated, tested & available in any color

High Speed Polyurethane Sheaves with Sealed Bearings
Provides years of quiet, trouble free usage
Extremely low wear on cables with no metal-to-metal friction – Extends cable life 500%
Multiple sizes to fit 3/4” & 7/8” Cables

Optimised for Easy Operation
Locks into skyTECH Launcher for safe, rapid flyer setup & release
Locks into skyTECH Catch Block to engage skyTECH Spring Brake & / or ZipStop
Reversible operation makes it impossible to install incorrectly on line

Enhanced Safety
Secondary fall arrest attachment point for skyTECH Twin-Harness
Upswing during braking is greatly reduced

Seated Rocket uses widened lateral anchors to keep flyers facing forward & aligned for safe braking / minimal upswing

Prone Rocket uses widened vertical anchors to keep flyers facing forward & aligned for safe braking / minimal upswing

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